Anger – what an interesting beast…

I never knew how to handle anger. The anger that would be felt against people, the anger which signals to you something is wrong and you should bring it up and make decisions for a change.

Doors and seeds

Today I sent an email to M. She lives in Canada and we met twice on zoom for 1h, 2.5 years ago. And I thanked her for the door she opened then....

Little fires everywhere

Little fires in my body. Little fires everywhere. Never gone, always dormant, sometimes ravaging.

Bending, not Breaking

Just had an epiphany after a friend who has rheumatoid arthritis described how comparing his physical situation to other's ......

About this Dream Job

One day someone asked me what I really wanted to do if there was no limit and no barrier. If I wouldn’t think about money...

Benefits of a Bikram Yoga Routine

A few years ago, I tried yoga. Several times and types. I had this inner belief it was good for me and I should learn how to do it.